All phones are not born equal. Some people seem to believe that the iPhone has a marvelous touch panel. But is this pure marketing BS? Is it Apple fans going overboard? MOTO, a small company supporting the development of high-tech gadgets and products, has created a (rather simple) test to check the precision and comfort of touch panels. It’s very easy: The tester will just draw simple lines on the screen and the software will display what the phone has recognized. Long lines drawn at an angle on the screen should display as such: Long lines.
Then, you apply that to a set of high-end phones: iPhone, HTC Droid Eris, Motorola Droid, Google Nexus One (the most prominent product on this mobile market). Of course, there is a difference if you press very lightly or if you push significantly on the screen with your finger.
Light finger touch

Medium pressure

All in all, it seems quite obvious that the iPhone has a strong advance in terms of sensitivity (light touch) while the HTC and Nexus One (HTC apparently designed this phone for Google) are quite good if you accept to press a little more.
So, Apple is not only marketing the iPhone through the roof; They also have a very good product and this explains (in part, at least) that the customers are so happy with the man-machine interface.
DIY Touchscreen Analysis from MOTO Development Group on Vimeo.
Although MOTO usually uses sophisticated tools to test touch screen accuracy, we have also developed a simple technique anyone can use to evaluate the resolution and accuracy of a touchscreen device. All you need is a basic drawing program (download one if necessary), a steady hand, and a few straight lines drawn very slowly on the screen.
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