About us

The web site

Roumazeilles.net is an Internet web site of news and information about PC computing and digital photography. It is created with a definite European point of view of these global technologies.

It is written both in English and in French. Most articles are present in both languages, while some are so country- or language-specific that they are not translated.

Yves Roumazeilles

The author

It was created by Yves Roumazeilles, an Internet user whose background is in electronics hardware and software. He wanted to share his interests and his knowledge about these subjects and a few others. The editorial guidelines are left sufficiently open to allow even entries that would be considered blog-material elsewhere. Yves Roumazeilles is the author of the vast majority of the articles published on Roumazeilles.net, but the participation of other authors is also welcome.

Yves Roumazeilles page on LinkedIn.com.


Roumazeilles.net is not really a commercial operation, but its financing comes from advertising present on its pages and from the sale of some related items like photo prints, posters, mugs and calendars. Yves Roumazeilles has job in the automotive industry in France and uses part of his free time to write for the Roumazeilles.net site as well as a few others.


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