Category: Culture

  • Kata practice for the programmer

    A martial arts adept knows how much you have to repeat the same basic exercise (a kata) before mastering free fight. This is the same with most pianists who need to practice long and often to get reflexes, natural grace. So, why not the same for programmers? Dave Thomas decided to create basic exercises for…

  • BritFilms – Short films for free

    You want to download free short movies. Here comes BritFilms – Short Films. A neat web site with a very pro look and content. Filled with short movies, some news about independent cinema and quite a few other things to discover.

  • Foggy photos

    Foggy photos

    Source: Shooher.

  • Why did the chicken cross the road, during the American elections?

    I had previously commented on the history of this little comic genre, but here is a detailled sample from political actors of the 2008 American presidential elections. Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

  • Homage to MC Escher – By Shane Willis

    Homage to MC Escher – By Shane Willis


  • Platon portraits

    Platon portraits

    A photographer must love his models to make the best possible portraits and to serve completely the models. This is all the more obvious when it comes to photographing celebrities and famous people. Platon does a great job for this. Source : Platon. All photos are Copyright (c) Platon – All rights reserved.