Category: Samsung

  • Why go Full Frame?

    Why go Full Frame?

    With all this talk about existing Full-Frame photo cameras (Canon EOS 5D, Nikon D3) and about possibly upcoming new ones (Sony Alpha 900, Canon EOS 5D Mk II or some other similar name, etc.) many photographers happy with their existing digital equipment are wondering: “What’s all the fuss about?” And it’s a good question to…

  • Full Frame SLR camera at Samsung

    OK! If it was not enough to expect a couple of major announcements from Canon and Sony for the tough market of high-end digital cameras, there is another competitor appearing in the image. According to Amateur Photographer, Samsung is preparing a Full Frame D-SLR camera to compete with Canon EOS 5D (or future 5D Mk…

  • 2007: 131 million photo cameras

    According to IDC, the sales of photo cameras progressed by 24% in 2007 to 131 million cameras. The global market is in the hands of several companies: Canon: 24.5 millions (18%) Sony: 20.9 millions (16%) Kodak: 12.6 millions (10%) Samsung: 11.7 millions (9%) Nikon: 11.4 mililons (8.4%) Olympus: 11.3 mililons (8.3%) For the SLR market…

  • Samsung GX-20

    Samsung GX-20

    After the announcement of the Pentax K20D, Samsung imemdiately rushed its own version under the name of Samsung GX-20. There is no surprise here since the contracts/agreements between Pentax and Samsung allow them to share the 14.6MP CMOS sensor developped by Samsung and to produce cameras that are essentially identical: same electronic hardware, slightly different…