Category: Big cats

  • Lion’s lunch

    Lion’s lunch

    This lion is also eating a gnu. You will easily notice that flies are a very common insect around big cats. No, these are not black defects on the image. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them Lion (Panthera leo, Lion, León), Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.

  • The lionness lunch

    The lionness lunch

    Found in the morning, this lionness had just kill a gnu (wildebeest). After eating most of it, she actually tried to hide the carcass in order to avoid seeing it stolen by others (hyenas or vultures, for example). Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them Lion (Panthera leo, Lion, León), Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.

  • Big cats images on my new web site

    If you are interested, you can find some of my images about big cats (lions, leopards, cheetahs) on my new web site As you certainly have noticed, some of these images come from my recent trip to Kenya (Masai Mara).

  • Lions in the Kenya morning

    Lions in the Kenya morning

    A few images of lion females on (Kenya 2008).

  • Be a beta-tester

    If you have the heart of an adventurer, you may be interested to know that Ijust put in beta-test some new websites that I am working on. (site specializing in digital photography) (about felines and other big cats) (optical illusions) (SEO, traffic optimisation and web site revenue maximization) Your opinion will…

  • Lion portraits

    Lion portraits

    I published a few shots of lions. Portraits taken in the Masai Mara park (Kenya). My prefered is the following one: If you click on the thumbnail image, you will enlarge it. And you may notice that the photographer (and its car) are appearing in the eye of the lion. 😉 But there are several…