Category: Science & Geeks

  • The 1.09 giga-pixel image of Bryce Canyon

    People are always aiming for records. While the digital photo industry is all about bigger sensors (despite the fact that it would be better for the actual user to have more sensitivity now that we reached about 5 mega-pixel level), some think ahead and want to create really big images. In 2003, Max Lyons has…

  • Will Linux be able to replace Windows?

    Up to the first weeks of 2006, I wondered if GNU/Linux will ever be able to replace Windows on your desktop and the result was stored in a separate page. You can still access it.

  • How long will your ink jet prints last?

    Today, inkjet printers are everywhere outputing photo images. Yesterday, silver-based prints were known for their good permanence (lasting up to a century). But is it the same for the latest inkjet prints? Henry wilhelm (of Wilhelm Imaging Research) is really the expert in evaluating this. The web site contains links to consumer-level articles (e.g. PDF…

  • Linksys routers (archive)

    If you are interested in getting news I published previously (mostly in 2005) about Linksys routers, just have a look at the original page.

  • Color laser printer (archives)

    If you are interested in getting news I published previously (mostly in 2005) about color laser printers, just have a look at the original page.