Category: IPv6

  • Raspberry Pi as a local DNS/DHCP server

    Raspberry Pi as a local DNS/DHCP server

    For a local network supporting a small company or an Internet-active family, it is always possible to rely totally on an Internet Service Provider (ISP) which will provide basic network services straight from the Internet box/router (fibre or ADSL). But, if – like me – you want to have more flexibility, you’d prefer to setup…

  • Cygnus for Windows 7

    The Cygnus name will certainly remind you of something ig you are interested into GNU/Linux, but maybe not more. Actually, this is a software package which has been designed to provide a lot of the “basic” Linux commands to be used from inside a Command-Line box of Windows. Version 1.7 of Cygnus is now available…

  • Opera and IPv6

    Opera and IPv6

    It’s worth noticing it if you are using Opera. I had a difficult-to-solve issue recently. While playing with the idea of starting to use IPv6 on my main PC, I tested the waters by validating this option in the network configuration of my Windows XP. Unfortunately, Opera is already fully ready for IPv6 but my…

  • Google goes IPv6

    As you certainly already know if you follow regularly this web site, the Internet addresses will soon be depleted (all used). The end of the Internet world as we know it should be reached around 2011 or 2012. That is the reason why some companies are working to push out the most common Internet protocol…

  • IPv6 starts tomorow

    For most of us, IPv6 has been a little more than vaporware. But in order to fight the upcoming lack of Internet addresses (as IPv4 addresses are more easily known), there is this new protocol, IPv6. It is steadily progressing and tomorrow, February 4th, several of the major international routers of the Internet backbone will…