Category: Linux

  • Planetary pictures and wallpapers

    Planetary pictures and wallpapers

    I consider that the most useful and often the most interesting wallpapers for your computer desktop are images that are relatively feature-less. A picture full of little details continuously grabbing your attention is a major nuisance. It’s much better to have either a very smooth image or a photo containing a lot of continuous tones.…

  • Your OS passwords are not safe

    Your OS passwords are not safe

    You choose your passwords as the most sophisticated and the strongest as you understand the importance to protect your computer. But did you know that this is nearly useless? A few commands and here is your safe password replaced or removed by a mere user, by your youngest nephew. On Windows, it’s enough to use…

  • Computer skills

    From GraphJam.

  • 10 things Linux does better than Windows

    I found this nice article of the same title (“10 things Linux does better than Windows“) on I found it interesting because I could not really find all 10 of them. Will you be able to list all of them? TCO (Total Cost of Ownership): Linux is less expensive in an enterprise because of…

  • Photoshop CS4 vs. The Gimp v2.6

    Newsrooms are full of weird coincidences. For example, we just learned that  two products often presented as direct competition were launched this Fall. To my right, here is Adobe with its boxing champion, Photoshop, loaded up to version CS4. To my left, Linux and its community of free developpers pushing the challenger on the ring,…

  • Chrome is not a browser

    How could we ignore the launch of Chrome, the new browser from Google? Every is babbling about it, everybody tried it (it can be downloaded here). But after one test run, I believe that I should explain something. Yes, this is a marvellous browser because it takes most of the good things from FireFox, Opera…