Category: Software

  • Fortran designer dies at 82

    Fortran designer dies at 82

    John W. Backus, designer of the Fortran computer language just died at 82. The software developers from the oldies will remember this language that revolutionized scientific calculus and programming, even if it is now pushed back (not unused, but less used). Some (even more exceptional) will remember his participation to language theory with the Backus-Naur…

  • Top 10 sexiest actresses, Sci-Fi movie category

    Is there a more explosive combination than a good Science Fiction flick synopsis/scenario and a totally sexy actress? In my opinion, not really. So, it is time to award the top-10 sexiest actresses of the history of Science Fiction (sorted from the less sexy to the most sexy). 10 – Tina Turner (Aunty Entity…

  • Online MindMapping

    Online MindMapping

    You may remember when I previously wrote about a nice little Windows utility for Mind Mapping (a simple way to organize your thoughts and to direct brain storming sessions). Today, thanks to Download Squad, if you are interested in this technique, I can recommend that you have a look at the following tools that are…

  • YAPB: A photoblog using WordPress

    I did not yet have time to evaluate it formally but, on the paper, it seems that YAPB (Yet another photo blog) is a plugin allowing ot easily build a photoblog based upon WordPress (the size of thumbnails is configurable, WordPress themes are still usable, but there is no galery). One rule: One image, one…

  • crontab on the web

    Webcron is an automated task service at set hours. If you know Unix or Linux you already heard about the Crontab. Webcron is a Web adaptation of this well-known Crontab. But nothing complicated at all! Webcron allows you to do tasks at set hours by looking for a page on your website. For example, save…

  • CryEngine 2, the motor behind Crysis

    For the technically inclinded gamers, Crytek published an interesting PDF file providing information about CryEngine2, the graphics real-time rendering engine/motor behind Crysis, their upcoming First Person Shooter (FPS) game. It’s a bit deep, but you may learn a thing or two about what makes your prefered game tick. Along with the graphics technology data, you…