Category: WordPress

  • WordPress 2.1.1 – Important security advice

    If you have installed WordPress v2.1.1 (precisely this version), you should urgently download the version 2.1.2. A cracker succeeded in inserting a malicious code in the downloadable copy of this version and it means that your web site may be open to a vicious attack. Do not wait and check the WordPress web site.

  • The most expensive ads on Google

    Google sells advertising. There is some of it on my web site pages. Normally, as a web site owner, I don’t really look at the price ads are sold (I don’t buy ads to publicize and market my web site). But, nonetheless, I was curious about the price ads are sold to Google customers. More…

  • Why login?

    If you look at the left-hand side menu on this page, you will notice that there is a link to either register yourself (Register) or login (Login). These links are here to give you the ability to identify yourself when your are visiting the web site. It is a two-step process: Register yourself, for…

  • CSS: Combining styles

    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are a very powerful way to apply styles to an HTML page. It has the advantage of removing most of the formatting (styling) and putting it in a single location. However, in my first tries I tended to create a lot of styles which where very similar one to each other.…

  • Why you want to start your own blog

    Some time ago, most people would not even think about creating a web site. Today, it became so easy to do (see another post coming soon) that the only question is not how, but why. Consequently, I decided to give you a few of the common ideas that led most web site designers and bloggers…

  • Your blog in 6 minutes

    You want your own blog? After all, it’s so easy. There are many solutions for this including: Create your own web site (preferably after reading my previous articles) Start a WordPress-based site in a matter of minutes on the server As a matter of fact, with the second solution, you will find all tools…