Category: Tech
Zero digital noise photography
A few years ago I had written about Guillermo Luijk’s technique to remove completely noise from digital photos. We know that this is a difficult task, but his solution is relatively simple: Shot the scene in a correct exposure according to our usual workflow; Repeat the shot now reducing shutter speed by 4 f-stops that…
Happy Birthday HAL-9000!
It’s on January 12th, 1992 that, according to Arthur C. Clarke, was born HAL-9000, the computer from “2001, A space Odyssey” (the book from Arthur C. Clarke and the movie from Stanley Kubrick). Actually, the first time it was powered on. So, it is exactly 23-year old today. Happy birthday HAL-9000! HAL-9000 is an Artificial…
Steam locomotive
These old steam locomotives look great on their ancient engravings. Source: Bibliodyssey
It’s broken… Try again now!
Maintenance Percussive from Duncan Robson on Vimeo. No need for an engineer’s degree!
Stacked ships
Did you ever see a ship on a ship? And a ship on a ship on a ship?
Aluminium anodization
Metal parts can be colored in the strangest ways. When we speak about aluminium, Apple is able to produce extraordinary hues on aluminium covers. As a matter of fact, they are using an anodization process which oxydizes the surface of the metal to create small pores to receive color pigmentation which will become nearly impossible…
Leave me alone!
YouTube link Bravo à Philippe L.
Danse with the ferrous particles
Magnetic ferrous particules from the toner cartridge of a laser printer danse on the invisible lines of the magnetic field of a magnet. Compressed 01 from Kim Pimmel on Vimeo.
How a book was made?
Remember! This was long before the text reading on the screen of your mobile phone. We were using books made out of… paper. I kid you not! Here is how they made books in this long-gone era: YouTube link