Category: Social issues

  • Browse anonymously

    …with this long list of proxies (unfortunately, some or many of them may not work for all people).

  • Jaguar Research Center

    Jaguar Research Center

    I recently noticed (in the ads appearing in my web site; some are quite good) the web site of the Jaguar Research Center. I went in October 2007 to Brazil, in Pantanal, at the heart of the Jaguar Research Center. So, I wanted to give a small feedback about this experience. This is certainly the…

  • Whisky galore!

    If you are a whisky lover, here are a few links you may appreciate: The Scotch Malt Whisky Guide, with an excellent little historic guide to whisky that is perfectly written for those who discover this strong alcohol. the web site of the Scotch Whisky Association if you want to share your passion with other…

  • Nice handling of plane bags

    Here is a startling idea to ensure that your luggage will not be lost at the airport and will receive real good treatment from the airline personnel (that is a rare condition). Matt Brandon proposes to declare the presence of a starter pistol. Right! you don’t need a permit or a license of any case,…

  • Disable hotlinking

    When you have a web site, it becomes quite common that some people feel so easy to just borrow your images that they do not even take the time to make a copy on their own web site. Not only do they use your artwork, but they also use the bandwidth you paid for. Normally,…

  • Software galore

    We never can get enough of them, but our computers are sometimes overflowing. Software applications are everywhere, but how to choose the right one for the task at hand? I built a real collection of pages where you will be able to find nearly all you can dream for nearly all computers: Five important security…