Category: Uncategorized

  • 404 Random page found

    I have been correcting an old need for this web site. There was no page to handle the case where you click on a link to a non-existent page. Now, if you go to a non-existent page you will be greeted with some random message. I hope you’ll appreciate the kind of humour.

  • US military, intelligence officials raise concern about possible preparations for Iran strike

    An article from the Raw Story titled “US military, intelligence officials raise concern about possible preparations for Iran strike” seems to be complementing my previous paper about a future nuclear war in Iran. What is interesting is not that military is preparing the war (they are asked to prepare all kinds of options with plans,…

  • New look for

    As you certainly noticed, my web site got a new feline theme based upon a photo taken in Kenya in April.

  • May 8th, visits record

    Thanks to all the visitors: On the 8th of May, for the first time on, you were more than 1000 unique visitors to reach this web site.

  • Internationale Zurich Gruppe

    Did you notice this company? Probably not. This is the latest in a long list of stock trading companies that called me from overseas trying to sell me stocks (in this case, they start with Quantum, a company offering battery and battery management solutions – actually a good company). What is funny about it is…

  • Nuclear war in Iran in 2006? It’s gonna flash!

    In a private circle, I had made the prevision that the United States of America would initiate a military action against Iran in 2005. Time proved I was a poor prophet. But, now, I wonder whether 2006 is time for celebration of my failure. From voices usually well informed, we hear repeated stories that the…