Tag: giraffe

  • Giraffe


    Moremi National Park, Botswana, May 2010.

  • Can you buy a giraffe?

    When I look into the logs of my web site, I sometimes discover bizarre little gems. For example, I recently noticed that somebody reached my web site through a search engine looking for: “buy a giraffe“. I still wonder whether he or she was looking for the real animal or a poster or photo of…

  • Jaws, on firm ground

    Jaws, on firm ground

    Feline teeth are their most prominent exterior feature. Since the prehistoric Smilodon (the smiling feline) and its gigantic canines, big cats use their impressive dental characteristics to hunt. On the Laelaps web site, you will find a detaileld article on feline teeth, from yesterday to nowadays: What big teeth you have. Please, also notice the…