Tag: Software

  • Ikea-style instructions for computer algorithms

    Ikea-style instructions for computer algorithms

    Designed to help in a computer science and algorithms teaching course, these are great ideas of algorithm descriptions using only simplified drawings and no word (styled like Ikea assembly instructions). I love them. Idea-instructions.

  • Scan a book like a pro

    Scan a book like a pro

    The document scanner has long been a tool of the most usual appearance and scanning a digital copy of a document is now of such ease that anybody can do it. Nevertheless, there is a large gap between a pro scan of a full book and the slightly better than average Xerox-like copy that we…

  • Software galore

    We never can get enough of them, but our computers are sometimes overflowing. Software applications are everywhere, but how to choose the right one for the task at hand? I built a real collection of pages where you will be able to find nearly all you can dream for nearly all computers: Five important security…