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Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus, tyran mélancolique). Brazil, 2007.
Other possible identification: Cattle tyrant (Machetornis rixosus, Moucherolle querelleur). It was my initial assumption. But I now doubt it because of the wings 2-tone colour (the identification I did has been supported by will and DID in the forums of www.ornithomedia.com).
I identified this bird thanks to “Brazil: Amazon And Pantanal (Travellers’ Wildlife Guides)
” the excellent book from David L. Pearson and Les Beletsky. Since the Tropical Kingbird is quite common in Brazil, it is shown in one of the 500 full color illlustrations.
Thanks to Patrick Fagot for his advice for this book.
You can buy it from Amazon by clicking on the image on the left or on the link.
Thanks also to Bruno Tredez for his advice on the identification.
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