Category: Apple

  • Apple wants total supplier security

    This is the obvious conclusion of this minor news that may attract the attention of the engineers among us: Apple now has no less than seven suppliers for the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) of its iPod (they expect a strong growth in 2007): Tripod Technology, Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board (NPC), Unimicron Technology, Compeq Manufacturing,…

  • Cover your iPod nano in paper

    Some people wish they could cover their precious iPod nano with a decorated paper. The first solution is merely to go and buy to Sector29. But, I really think that $19,95 is a little too much for a piece of colored and folded paper. The solution? Do it yourself without spending so much. Use the…

  • AntiGravity: Toilets flush and Microsoft

    AntiGravity: Toilets flush and Microsoft

    There is no end to jokes about what Microsoft did wrong (they’re the number one target for many jokes and many grievances, just from their being #1 software company). Today, I want to point you to an excellent little paper by Steve Mirsky published in his excellent column in Scientific American magazine. In the October…

  • How do your web site look?

    This is the tough question that web site anwsers for you. They provide a simple way to test your web site in a large variety of configurations and browsers. This is a very nice idea founded on the voluntary help of computers installed all over the world (widely distributed architecture). This way, you will…

  • Free audio books

    Librivox is a web site where you will find audiobooks read and recorded by volunteers who give them freely to you and any visitor. It is mostly english books and works, but there starts to appear a few non-english literature (some French, some German, for example). The selected works are part of the public domain…

  • Fujitsu and Hitachi caught in the Sony battery fiasco

    This time, this is Hitachi who announces a global recall of its Sony-manufactured batteries. Only 16,000 this time, after Fujitsu (287,000 units this week), Dell (more than 4 millions in August) or Apple.    Acer (one of the world’s largest laptop PC manufacturer who let a number of others re-brand their machines) is allegedly talking…