Category: Books

  • The Battery University

    The Battery University

    When looking for factual information about batteries, the journey of the Internet user is full of traps. Fortunately, I found a detailled, very readable and facts-based web site. It named I like a lot the 3-part articles with a lot of details (and with German translations). You will know everything about all battery technologies,…

  • Pantone coffee mugs

    Pantone coffee mugs

    Specially for graphics designers, for those who cannot stop seeing the word in Pantone colors, W2 Products designed coffee mugs branded by Pantone. Out of stock already.

  • Online color thesaurus

    Online color thesaurus

    Would you know what colour cerulean is? Or peach? Or spruce? Or watermelon? Or plum? Or rust? The HP online color thesaurus is a great way to identify these and to get the precise formal definition of such colours. You type in a name, and it will give you the color, similar ones and anonyms.

  • Handbook of animal anatomy (lions and others)

    Handbook of animal anatomy (lions and others)

    These images come from the classic works of the German veterinary anatomists, Wilhelm Ellenberger and Hermann Baum, and medical illustrator, Hermann Dittrich. The texts, from which these illustrations were derived, are works published in 1898 and 1911 through 1925, all entitled ‘Handbuch der Anatomie der Tiere für Künstler‘ which can be translated as “Handbook (or…

  • Marvelous libraries

    Marvelous libraries

    A library is not only a marvelous location to read books, but it may also be -simply- a marvelous location. This is the case with the collection of cultural culmination points that are offered to our eyes at Curious Expeditions. Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal Den Haag, the Hague, Netherlands

  • Free SciFi books

    Free SciFi books

    A few weeks ago started to make available a number of SciFi books in PDF format and without any unreasonable restrictions (this is copyrighted material that has been left in the public domain). Decided to give it a try and not knowing these books, I chose (randomly) to download Space Prison from Tom Godwin…