Category: Portfolio

  • Cats from Aube Nature

    Cats from Aube Nature is a web site I tend to track nearly continuously because Cédric Girard tends to write interesting posts about nature photography. But I also caught a few posts with nice images of cats This goes farther than the usual “nice companion” photos. I recommend heartily to check regularly

  • Homage to MC Escher – By Shane Willis

    Homage to MC Escher – By Shane Willis


  • Platon portraits

    Platon portraits

    A photographer must love his models to make the best possible portraits and to serve completely the models. This is all the more obvious when it comes to photographing celebrities and famous people. Platon does a great job for this. Source : Platon. All photos are Copyright (c) Platon – All rights reserved.

  • Red cars, old cars

    Red cars, old cars

    If you liked my photos about Le Mans, you’re just in time to jump to Michelle Roohani’s web site. Excellent blogger, graphist and photographer, she has just posted a series of photos of Delahaye, Hispano Suiza, Kurtis 500, Bentley, Ferrari, Bugatti.

  • Buy my photos

    Buy my photos

    You can now start buying some of my photos at RedBubble. I sent them a few original artworks and it gives you access to some products like: Cards, Matted Prints, Laminated Prints, Mounted Prints, Canvas Prints, Framed Prints Buy my photos at RedBubble

  • Défi pour la Terre

    Défi pour la Terre

    A campaign to protect Earth and save energy by CLM BBDO.