Category: Wildlife photo

  • My other web sites

    My other web sites

    Some people asked where my other websites are. (Did you know that I publish several other personal blogs?) So, here is a condensed list: Wild Focus The portfolio of my best photographs YLoveBigCats Big cats are just amazing animals YLovePhoto Photo technique (and pictures from other photographers) YLoveIllusions Optical illusions 200gluten Life with coeliac disease

  • Hummingbirds from Peru

    Hummingbirds from Peru

    A few weeks in Peru, a few more hummingbirds. I’ll admit easily that catching some hummingbirds in Peru was more difficult than in Ecuador. Nevertheless, I was able to catch a few ones. I tried focusing on multiple birds in the same shot, this time. You’ll see if they are good enough.

  • Rufous-crested coquette

    Rufous-crested coquette

    A fantastic male bird of only a few centimeters. Coquettes are all nice (and strange) hummingbirds; But they are so marvelous! Rufous-crested coquette, Coquette de Delattre (Lophornis delattrei)Peru, October 2024.

  • My best photographs

    My best photographs

    Here, on my blog, I run a continuous stream of many of my newest photographs, as soon as they are available. But if I also try to group all the pictures I am most proud of. Let’s meet on: Wild Focus This is the web site of my portfolios. There, you will see the subjects…

  • Amazonian frogs

    Amazonian frogs

    Ecuador, February 2024.

  • Brazil 2023 – Birds of prey

    Brazil 2023 – Birds of prey

    A few weeks in Brazil brought back images of a symbolic and often admirable family of birds: birds of prey. We found all kinds of talons and beaks, sometimes rare, often spectacular, always attractive to the observer and photographer. Brazil, August 2023.

  • Spectacled bear

    Spectacled bear

    Not all American bears are big bulky grizzlies. In South America, you would find small bears (said to be “spectacled” because of the white drawings on their faces) who weigh only a bit more than 100 kg and eat mostly fruit (they love figs and avocados) while avoiding human beings as much as possible. Spectacled…

  • Brazil 2023 – Toucans

    Brazil 2023 – Toucans

    What bird could be more emblematic of South America than the toucan. Madly colored, with a beak you’d believe prohibits flight, you can’t miss this family of birds. Brazil, August 2023.

  • Saffron finch, all in white

    Saffron finch, all in white

    Saffron finch, Sicale bouton d’or (Sicalis flaveola)Brazil, August 2023. While working on some pictures taken last year in Brazil, I stopped on this nice little saffron finch I caught in a tree along a nice little river. It reminded me that I had not mentioned my portfolio, “Blanc, c’est blanc” (White is all), for a…