Category: Wildlife photo

  • Whooper swan

    Whooper swan

    Strong and dignified, the whooper swan is marvelous subject, in snow as much as in sun. Whooper swan, Cygne siffleur (Cygnus cygnus)Hokkaido, Japan North island, January/February 2019.

  • Rausu, temple of fishing sea eagles

    Rausu, temple of fishing sea eagles

  • White-tailed sea eagle

    White-tailed sea eagle

    More common than the Steller’s sea eagle, the white-tailed sea eagle is a very powerful bird of prey. White-tailed sea eagle, Pygargue à queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla)Hokkaido, Japan North island, January/February 2019.

  • Eagles conflicts

    Eagles conflicts

  • Steller’s sea eagle

    Steller’s sea eagle

    This sea eagle is one of the largest bird of prey. Magestic in flight, armed with powerful talons and a mighty yellow beak, it may remind of the American bald eagle (or the African fish eagle), but it is a quite different species. You may want to see it actually fishing at sea. Steller’s sea…

  • Short-eared owl

    Short-eared owl

    Short-eared owl, Hibou des marais (Asio flammeus)Hokkaido, Japan North island, January/February 2019.