Category: Hippopotamus

  • Masai Mara – Hippopotamus

    Masai Mara – Hippopotamus

    Hippopotamus are large herbivorous from the same family as the horse. they seem quite peaceful but have a lot of available energy (and a considerable mass). Even if it is possible to encounter them out of water during the day, they prefer to avoid sun shine (they risk dying from sun exposure) and only eat…

  • Masai Mara – Yawning all day long

    Masai Mara – Yawning all day long

    Life in the wild savanah is a weird mix of leisurly quiet life (herbivorous graze in the sun, lions sleep in the shade of a tree, hippos float lazily in a river) and of terrible activity (antelopes are always alert about what is happening around, felines start running as fast as they can in order…

  • The lizard and the hippo – a one-snapshot photographic tale

    The lizard and the hippo – a one-snapshot photographic tale

      A green lizard too lazy to cross the Mara river (Kenya) is using the back of a friendly hippopotamus