Category: Create a web site

  • Your blog in 6 minutes

    You want your own blog? After all, it’s so easy. There are many solutions for this including: Create your own web site (preferably after reading my previous articles) Start a WordPress-based site in a matter of minutes on the server As a matter of fact, with the second solution, you will find all tools…

  • Use HTML tables, even with CSS styling

    After a previous post about the reasons there are not to use the HTML tables (and to prefer CSS tables), I want to come back to this issue with my own experience. When I went to the fifth version of this web site interface (the one you see at the time of posting this article),…

  • Upgrading to WordPress v2.1

    Going from one version to the newest for a software program like WordPress that I rely upon to operate this web site is not necessarily difficult, but it is always a bit safer to work smoothly, orderly and slowly rather than rushing into the dark. I started by updating all the plugins I use to…

  • WordPress 2.1 is out

    Great news for the WordPress community of bloggers and web site designers: WordPress 2.1 is available for download. This is really a significant upgrade to one of the most successful blog-and-CMS software applications (the one I use for New features include (my own selection of the good things): A new tabbed editor allows you…

  • WAMP, the server solution for Windows

    Needing to quickly install a web server on a Windows PC, I was drawn into looking for a free software suite providing such sevrices in a simple and nice package. I already knew EasyPHP from Emmanuel Faivre, Laurent Abbal and Thierry Murail, three Frenchmen who put in a single tool box all the free open-source…

  • RSS feed – What is it?

    RSS feed – What is it?

    You may have noticed a new logo appearing on our web site since the redesigned interface went online. If your web browser supports it (Opera 9, FireFox, Internet Explorer 7), a similar orange icon may appear on the web address bar. This is a feature that is good both for users and for web site…