Category: Photo

  • Kitsune, or red fox

    Kitsune, or red fox

    The northern hemisphere predator with the most extensive range: The ubiquitous red fox. As in Europe, the red fox (locally known under the lovely name of kitsune) is relatively difficult to find but, once found, it is not very easily afraid of human presence. Red fox, Renard roux (Vulpes vulpes)Hokkaido, Japan North island, January/February 2019.

  • Whooper swan

    Whooper swan

    Strong and dignified, the whooper swan is marvelous subject, in snow as much as in sun. Whooper swan, Cygne siffleur (Cygnus cygnus)Hokkaido, Japan North island, January/February 2019.

  • Rausu, temple of fishing sea eagles

    Rausu, temple of fishing sea eagles

  • White-tailed sea eagle

    White-tailed sea eagle

    More common than the Steller’s sea eagle, the white-tailed sea eagle is a very powerful bird of prey. White-tailed sea eagle, Pygargue à queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla)Hokkaido, Japan North island, January/February 2019.

  • Eagles conflicts

    Eagles conflicts

  • Steller’s sea eagle

    Steller’s sea eagle

    This sea eagle is one of the largest bird of prey. Magestic in flight, armed with powerful talons and a mighty yellow beak, it may remind of the American bald eagle (or the African fish eagle), but it is a quite different species. You may want to see it actually fishing at sea. Steller’s sea…