Category: CPU & memory

  • Visit a motherboard factory

    If you never entered a electronics plant, seeing how one of the biggest PC motherboard manufacturer builds them may be interesting. ECS Factory Tour – How A Motherboard Is Made

  • Intel’s E6420 vs. AMD’s 5600+

    Intel’s E6420 vs. AMD’s 5600+

    Competition is tough at this level (sub-$200 dual-core processors). That is the reason why TechWareLabs decided to compare both CPUs: Intel’s E6420 vs. AMD’s 5600+. This is a confirmation that prices are set to make CPUs quite comparable. There is a slight performance advantage to Intel but for a slightly higher price.

  • Prices falling for CPUs

    Now, we had announced them: Summer sales. AMD started with nearly all its CPU products, Intel followed immediately, AMD announced that they would not go further for now. Today, Intel does it again for quad-core processors (but prices are already so high that you need breathing assistance to observe them in the rarefied air of…

  • AMD, wins and losses

    AMD just announced two things nearly simultaneously : loosing $600 millions in operations in the last quarter (the financial balance is not good, but the message in there is: “it’s gonna be better soon”) and receiving a €262 millions from the German government (approved by the European Commission) to support the investments in their Dresden…

  • CPU, DRAM memory: Buy now!

    After several months telling you about the plumeting prices of CPU processors and DRAM memory, I have to inform you that the industry signals are changing. AMD and Intel are kicking prices down a last time in July before the rush that will only happen at the end of the year (with the arrival of…

  • Summer PC: Motherboard and memory

    Summer PC: Motherboard and memory

    Gran Turismo: An enthusiast’s PC geared towards PC gaming Easy Penny: A very reasonable PC able to sustain a few years without letting its owner down Having previously chosen AMD processors for the two optimized PCs we are trying to build, things will be relatively easy. The integration of the memory controller in the CPU…