Category: Software

  • Great coins for Great Britain

    Great coins for Great Britain

    “You’ve got to love those coins!” Do you believe that I could tell you so? Surely not. Even better, you can be surprised to learn that I found that in a web site about design and arts ( And it is defintely a great design for something as old as coins. The new UK coins…

  • Idea for a new typography term

    Idea for a new typography term

    Source: Ironic Sans.

  • Assassin’s Creed, a PC video game

    Assassin’s Creed, a PC video game

    After appearing on gaming consoles, Assassin’s Creed arrived on PC and it seems that the effort was made to ensure that contrary to the previous habit of bad ports from console to PC, it supported well the transfer from one platform to the next (test 1, test 2). Notice 1: Point Of View offers the…

  • Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Some people have been telling me: “You blog! That must take a lot of time and you must be there each and every day”. Don’t worry, I may post something on every day, but it does not mean that I am in front of the keyboard every day. Far from it. I am using…

  • All about DVD ripping

    Turn Your PC into a DVD Ripping Monster

  • Recompiling a Linux kernel, tips

    Some GNU/Linux lovers like to optimize their Linux kernel with many recompilations. This is not absolutely needed, but a quite common hobby there. However, it is quite difficult to do correctly. Tips for successful Kernel Recompilation in Linux by