Category: PHP

  • PHP changes

    This is what I told myself when uncovering a little PHP code fragment that stopped working on one of my web sites. So, this is a reminder for those of you inattentive programmers like me: $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’]; is deprecated and works no longer. You must now use the newest form: $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’];. Be…

  • WordPress and moving from PHP4 to PHP5

    Some advice provided by Donncha for those who would like to move from PHP4 to PHP5 on a server supporting WordPress exploitation. Nothing big, but it is always good to check the items she points at: Location of PHP.INI Update to mysql and gd libraries Compatibility with WP-cache

  • Script for 404 random page found

    Some people have been wondering how I did the random selection of 404 page not found messages that are used on this web site. So, here is the nice little PHP script that I use here to redirect randomly to one of the right pages: <?PHP $address_list = array( “/404/404-01.php”, “/404/404-02.php”, “/404/404-03.php”, “/404/404-04.php”, “/404/404-05.php”, “/404/404-06.php”,…

  • Fight SPAM and scan books

    Fight SPAM and scan books

    It is well known that the human brain has pattern matching capabilities much further advanced than those of the best equivalent software programs. This explains that failure rates of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program may be as high as 1% (or even 2%) of errors, which is requiring later human proof-reading to ensure a reasonable…

  • Top 10 anti-censorship methods

    More and more often, accessing the Internet becomes limited by the presence of censoring tools and methods (and I am not speaking of those countries where this has been institutionalized like China, Iran or Tunisia). It may be to avoid your spending too much time idling instead of working or it may be to ensure…

  • Display code in WordPress

    When, as I do, you want to include some bits and pieces of software code in a WordPress post, it starts to become a serious headache. As a matter of fact, WP has not really been prepared for this and it creates a number of issues. Those I already encountered here: The <?php tend to…