Category: Spreadsheet

  • Chrome is not a browser

    How could we ignore the launch of Chrome, the new browser from Google? Every is babbling about it, everybody tried it (it can be downloaded here). But after one test run, I believe that I should explain something. Yes, this is a marvellous browser because it takes most of the good things from FireFox, Opera…

  • Free Office Templates

    A few templates for documents you would want to use with OpenOffice 3.0 or MS-Office. Microsoft Office 2007 Templates Free legal download.

  • Software galore

    We never can get enough of them, but our computers are sometimes overflowing. Software applications are everywhere, but how to choose the right one for the task at hand? I built a real collection of pages where you will be able to find nearly all you can dream for nearly all computers: Five important security…

  • Email to convert documents

    If you want to convert your Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint files into PDF, just email them to But there’s more: to convert from Microsoft Word or Visio to PDF file to convert from PDF to Word or RTF file to convert from WAV to MP3 format to convert from…

  • MS-Office 2007: I want to read my files elsewhere

    The bane (correction: “one of the banes”) of the new opus of the Microsoft Office saga (MS-Office 2007) is that the Redmond developpers once again changed the file formats. I’m sure that this is for the best. But if you went the MS-Office 2007 path and not your colleagues or friends, they no longer can…

  • Download free PowerPoint

    You wanted to be able to produce those pro presentations with PowerPoint. But Microsoft Office seemed to expensive to buy it, so you decided to download an illegal (but free) version. No! Hold your horses. Real solutions are appearing all over the place. Up to now, you had the possibility to use Open Office (which…