Category: Windows Vista

  • Internet Explorer – Accept the update

    Microsoft published today a large Security Update for Internet Explorer. This happens nearly every month, but this time, this is really important. Whatever your version of Internet Explorer, you should upgrade now, via Windows Update. Microsoft is correcting a major bug in all versions of Internet Explorer and it is urgently important that you plug…

  • Find your PC weaknesses

    Find your PC weaknesses

    Isn’t it somewhat difficult to continuously check the status of security updates for the many software programs we have installed on our PCs, sometimes not even knowing it? Here comes Secunia PSI to help in this daunting task. It permanently observes the version of the programs on your PC and verifies if there is an…

  • Wallpapers: Quality photos

    It is always more pleasant to work with a nice wall paper on your PC (or Mac) desktop. Here are two interesting source sof beautiful wallpapers based on photographic quality images: dozens of nature-oriented images (including some cartoons) on; ligthning and storms (15 images). Downright spectacular.

  • Defragment like a God

    Defragmenting your hard disc drive may not be the latest fad, but it still is useful to improve the performance of a disc drive that’s been used for months or years and now looks more like a mouldy swiss cheese than a nice little techo-gadget. The solution: defragmenter your disc drive(s). Here are a few…

  • CDBurnerXP goes Portable

    CDBurnerXP goes Portable

    I always recommended the excellent CDBurnerXP for burning your CD and DVD discs. It’s free and does all the commercial programs do. Now, the editor publishes CDBurnerXP Portable (download it for free). It goes on a USB stick and can follow you everywhere.

  • Write down everything to ease maintenance

    Some have been surprised by one little habit of mine around my PC (I should say ‘my PCs”): I keep a detailled log of everything I do on my PC in a plain old school paper book. It may be a software installation, a parameter change on another software package, the update of a driver.…