Category: WordPress

  • Nouvelle fonctionalité : articles similaires

    You may remark (or may not) the appearance of a new feature on this web site: on each individual post page, there is now a little list of similar articles. It is intended to help you discover new articles that you may not know but are related to the post your are reading at this…

  • WordPress and moving from PHP4 to PHP5

    Some advice provided by Donncha for those who would like to move from PHP4 to PHP5 on a server supporting WordPress exploitation. Nothing big, but it is always good to check the items she points at: Location of PHP.INI Update to mysql and gd libraries Compatibility with WP-cache

  • What do you do when someone steals your content

    Authors of a web site sometimes (more and more often) find themselves in the difficult situation where the content of their site is “borrowed” by someone else. I just found a very helpful and detailled post by Lorelle (“What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Content“) that explains what to do and how to…

  • Fight SPAM and scan books

    Fight SPAM and scan books

    It is well known that the human brain has pattern matching capabilities much further advanced than those of the best equivalent software programs. This explains that failure rates of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program may be as high as 1% (or even 2%) of errors, which is requiring later human proof-reading to ensure a reasonable…

  • WordPress: How to survive being slashdotted or digged?

    Being propulsed to the home page of a famous web site like SlashDot or Digg is intensely satisfying for the author of a blog, but it usually results in an intense traffic storm for your server that may not survive to the typhoon even if it comes from friends. DownloadSquad grouped some ideas on how…

  • Experiment: Mobile

    I just installed a WordPress plugin to make usable from a mobile phone (WordPress Mobile). If you want to test and tell me about problem, you’ll be thanked.