Category: Uncategorized

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year for 2019!

  • Polar bears – Prints

    Polar bears – Prints

    If you loved the polar bears of the previous post, you may purchase some prints, greeting cards or smartphone protection. Jump to the gallery, click on the following picture:RedBubble gallery  

  • Replacement for Amazon Cloud Drive?

    Replacement for Amazon Cloud Drive?

    Amazon sent me an meail announcing that the sweet deal of unlimited storage for 59SUD is going to stop in less than a year now. So, my backup solution currently relying on ACD as a backup for my Synology RAID drive will have to be reviewed. Do you have ideas of what could be a…

  • Fantastic narwhals!

    Fantastic narwhals!

    The Narwhal is a (small) toothed whale rather extraordinary because it holds a kind of long protruding spiral tusk (actually an overdevelopped toothwhich can reach up to 4 meters in adult males). Rather discreet (small blow, defintely timid), the narwhal is not easy to observe. But during our crossing of the Bellot Strait, we were…

  • The world’s coldest surf photographer

    Chris Burkard is totally out of his mind, and he’s a surf photographer who decided to explore the world’s coldest waves. He brought back images, videos and a TEDtalk presentation which are really exceptionnal:

  • Back from Costa Rica

    Back from Costa Rica

    Did you know that Costa Rica probably has 5% of global biodiversity (if it is counted in quantity of local species)? Marion and I went and checked this on location, despite (Marion’s) worries that most of local animals may be mostly insects, but with the hope to bring nice shots of cute little frogs. All…