• More technical news about our web site hack

    More technical news about our web site hack

    After a more thorough analysis, I believe that I have now a clear image of what happened to . It appears that a hacker introduced itself into our web site through an insecure WordPress plugin. The security defect has been corrected relatively quickly, but it left a wide open gap during a few days. The…

  • Hacked web site

    Hacked web site

    So, it had to happen one day. has been hacked. Nothing very terrible, but a few bad hours for an administrator. The site to be rebuilt in a matter of hours. Passwords to be changed. Several hours lost for nothing. There wasn’t much to steal (the users are not very many). But it is impossible…

  • GDPR: Some helpful documentation

    GDPR: Some helpful documentation

    It seems that I can help some readers with a library of information about GDPR, the new (in May 2018) European Regulation about Privacy and the handling Personal Data on web sites. It may appear as quite complex. So, I collected a list of those articles I found most interesting for a first reading/introduction (aimed at…

  • How to comply with GDPR in WordPress

    How to comply with GDPR in WordPress

    I have several web sites wirtten with WordPress  and I needed to comply with the new GDPR European regulation (new in May 2018). After a few hours of work to find how to do this right… I decided to share my experience and show the steps I went through; not very difficult, but rather lenghty,…

  • Protection of your privacy and of your data

    Protection of your privacy and of your data

    You may not have noticed it but European Regulations recently required some significant changes on web sites, in order to make sure that they are respectful of their visitors and -even more importantly- of the privacy of their data. Our web site has been adapting since a few weeks with a few nice changes, including:…