Tag: hubiC

  • Archive a Synology NAS on external USB drives

    Archive a Synology NAS on external USB drives

    When you need to store data in a reliable way but you don’t need to read them often, this is named a “cold storage” need. This is typically what I needed for my Synology NAS where I wanted to backup data to an external site (but I don’t intend to actually use the backup since…

  • Replacement for Amazon Cloud Drive?

    Replacement for Amazon Cloud Drive?

    Amazon sent me an meail announcing that the sweet deal of unlimited storage for 59SUD is going to stop in less than a year now. So, my backup solution currently relying on ACD as a backup for my Synology RAID drive will have to be reviewed. Do you have ideas of what could be a…

  • Synology-based synchronization solution

    Synology-based synchronization solution

    When CrashPlan announced the end of its unlimited backup service, I had to actively seek a new solution asking myself the question of how to provide two services I was previously (more or less) getting from this provider: Backups Synchronization between several machines (several PC and several iPhone) CrashPlan easily provided the backup feature despite…