Tag: MP3

  • How to copy a CD-A in FLAC with Exact Audio Copy?

    How to copy a CD-A in FLAC with Exact Audio Copy?

    Exact Audio Copy (aka EAC) is the perfect tool to extract music data out of an audio CD or CD-A (to rip a CD) and convert it to a flexible audio file format like MP3, or even better into FLAC. Not only is it able to read the data and transfer it, but it is…

  • CD-rip: MP3 or FLAC?

    CD-rip: MP3 or FLAC?

    As a matter of fact, when you wanted to copy (or rip) a CD-A disc, you reflexively went for recording in MP3 format. Everybody (or, more precisely, all the programs, all the audio players — pocket-sized or home-cinema-based — can read it. It’s compact an duniversal. But when I wanted to transfer ma CD library…

  • Martin Luther King Jr. speech

    Martin Luther King Jr has been inspiring for many great people and a lot of other human beings. This is a Bible-inspired speech I found. I say to you, this morning, that if you have never found something so dear and precious to you that you will die for it, then you aren’t fit to…

  • Sony joins the DRM-free crowd

    It was about time! I had previously wrote here that Sony was now the last major music company not having announced any plan to offer its music catalog in MP3 format without DRM (without digital rights protection). This is about to change. Sony, like the other disc producers/distributors, finally figured it out: Consumers are actually…