Why login?

If you look at the left-hand side menu on this page, you will notice that there is a link to either register yourself (Register) or login (Login). These links are here to give you the ability to identify yourself when your are visiting the Roumazeilles.net web site. It is a two-step process:

  1. Register yourself, for us to know your pseudo and to know how to recognize you
  2. Login, to identify yourself when you are visiting the web site

But what are the advantages for you? There are several of them.

Once you are identified, you can directly send replies or comments to the various posts. Without further ado, you can help other readers with your experience relating to an existing post that you are just reading. Just click on the comment link you will find with each post/article. If you are identified and reading the special page for a post, you will also see a large empty box to type your comments.

When you are identified, you have access to the web site administration (Site Admin). One important possibility here is that you can write a new post/article. It will be submitted for approval and may end in the web site front page, like some other people did. In that case, your name (or pseudo-name) will appear along with the post/article.

If you are worried about providing personal details, don’t. We request only a very limited amount of data. The only compulsory information is a username (or pseudo) that you can choose freely and an email address that is not shown to the visitors. If you indicate a web site address, it will be associated to your username any time it is displayed (isn’t it a nice advertising feature for your own blog?). You will be provided a password that will protect your access rights, and that you can modify later by accessing your account.

Summary of the possible actions (available from the menu)

  • Register to register yourself (and choose you pseudo)
  • Login to identify yourself using your pseudo and password
  • Logout to leave the site
  • Site Admin to submit a new post or modify your account




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