Month: October 2008

  • Big cats images on my new web site

    If you are interested, you can find some of my images about big cats (lions, leopards, cheetahs) on my new web site As you certainly have noticed, some of these images come from my recent trip to Kenya (Masai Mara).

  • Write down everything to ease maintenance

    Some have been surprised by one little habit of mine around my PC (I should say ‘my PCs”): I keep a detailled log of everything I do on my PC in a plain old school paper book. It may be a software installation, a parameter change on another software package, the update of a driver.…

  • Young Black-backed jackal

    Young Black-backed jackal

    Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas, Chacal à chabraque, Chacal de lomo negro o chacal de gualdrapa). Kenya, Masai Mara, September 2008.

  • Great migration of gnus

    Great migration of gnus

    We would be troubled thinking about the future of this migration. Wildebeests and zebras are depending simultanesouly on free access to enormous tracts of lands (more and more limited by Human activities) and ecological stability (that could be seriously unbalanced by the global warming). The Great Migration: This is the name of this major and…

  • Burchell’s zebras

    The “Great migration” in Kenya and Tanzania is the move of gnus (wildebeests) but also of zebras. Usually, I have a tough time to find inspiration when shooting these animals. But in last September, I believe that I found how to draw a few good images of these zebras. Burchell’s zebra (Equus burchellii, zèbre de…

  • Lions in the Kenya morning

    Lions in the Kenya morning

    A few images of lion females on (Kenya 2008).