Category: Digital photography

Helmeted Guineafowl

Splendid representant of the guineafowl bird family, Numididae, a brightly colored bird with a bare head, can be found all around the Masai Mara National Park. Unfortunately, it is always running out of the path of the photographer. Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris, Pintade de Numidie). Kenya, September 2008.

Photoshop CS4 vs. The Gimp v2.6

Newsrooms are full of weird coincidences. For example, we just learned that  two products often presented as direct competition were launched this Fall. To my right, here is Adobe with its boxing champion, Photoshop, loaded up to version CS4. To my left, Linux and its community of free developpers pushing the challenger on the ring,…

Sony, Nikon, now what?

After the launch events of this Summer and this Fall (before and during the Köln Photokina), there are two brands leaving important questions open. This is Sony and Nikon. While the two near-friends had us used to seeing them working together around the Sony digital photo sensors, we discovered two very divergent/different announces about 35mm…