Category: Tiger

  • Young tigers

    Young tigers

    This was one of the very first times these young tigers were observable. They are still very playful and Mom has to be patient. Very patient.

  • Tiger at the water hole

    Tiger at the water hole

    But sometimes, the tiger will be nearer to the photographer and you could obtain a better picture.

  • Tiger at the river

    Tiger at the river

    It’s not always easy to find a wild tiger, even when there is no obstacle to limit the conditions for observation. Find the bird, you’ll find the tiger.

  • Tigers in India

    Tigers in India

    Those who follow me more or less (my family, probably) know that I I’m back from a photo safari in India. But they were also hiding their impatience behind the thin veil of their polite interest: I had announced a hunt for wild tigers. So, here is a tiger for the most impatient ones. Oh…

  • The future of Natal/Kinect

    The future of Natal/Kinect

    You know! Kinect is the new name of the Microsoft technology that allows you to completely forget about keyboard, joysticks, game pads and all that. You move in front of the camera and the stuff does its stuff. Previously, it was known as Project Natal. Today, I found this great cartoon from Ctrl+Alt+Del by Tim…

  • Nepal with Amawanda – Nepalese dragonfly

    Nepal with Amawanda – Nepalese dragonfly

    Back from a few days of photo trip to Nepal, I feel it is time to share with you some of this astonishing experience organized by Amawanda and guided by Alain Pons. I am more or less a wildlife photographer attracted to the African wide-open spaces. But I had been attracted mostly by the presence…