Category: Enterprise

  • Free movies (many)

    Free movies (many)

    We all love when things come free to us. Here I found a treasure trove of movies that are free to download. Legally. Thanks to the Canadians of the National Film Board of Canada. They give us feature-length movies, documentaries, animated short movies. Everything, of the best quality, at the best price: Free.

  • Ryan Air has new ideas to charge its customers

    We knew that Ryan Air was an Irish airline able to bring air fares to a very low level. They use all tricks at their disposition to spend as little money as possible. But sometimes they go too far and their latest ideas give a bad press to the whole low-cost airline industry which were…

  • One charger for all phones

    One charger for all phones

    Thanks to European Community! It just proposed, no! Announced that they would force the mobile phone manufacturers to all use a single type of battery charger. It’s been years that we all accumulated chargers ready to be abandonned because none is compatible with more than one phone. The EC decided to reduce pollution linked this…

  • Corporate jets fight back

    Corporate jets fight back

    After several months when we all heard that corporate jets were the mark of the truly immoral bank or corporate CEOs, it seems that private jet companies are starting to take notice: All this bad press is putting more pressure on them than they would like to in difficult times like ours. Hawker Beechcraft and…

  • How to cut a forest down

    We don’t use this in France (storms are enough to bring a forest to the ground) but here is the real hardware you need to cut down a forest in a few days only: Link to YouTube

  • Affordable private jet

    Affordable private jet

    Is it the crisis, the recession or what? People would like you to think that you can now get a private jet for nearly nothing. Jumpjet is trying to make it more affordable than many business trip tickets Aviation told us about microjets, like those from Eclipse Aviation intended to make it more affordable than…