Category: Enterprise

  • Advertising is also an art

    Advertising is also an art

  • Inside a 4-stroke piston engine

    You certainly know the basic principles of the operation of a 4-stroke engine with its different phases: piston going down to suck gas and air in piston going up to compress the mixture piston going down pushed by the explosion piston going up to push burnt gas out of the cylinder Let’s admire the actual…

  • If you want 25 answers

    If you want 25 answers

    photo credit: Marco Bellucci So, as suggested, you used Yahoo! Answers to grab the attention of Yahoo! users (and Yahoo! search engine) and of people who have questions to ask. So, you thought that this was the end of it? Of course not. Even if Yahoo! has a great legion of followers (specially in the…

  • Wonderbra ad based on pure illusion

    This ad for the generosity of a woman bra brand (try repeating this quickly!) is based upon a well-known optical illusion. Will men fall for this one? YouTube link Seen on

  • Post-it dance

    Have you seen a nicer use of Post-It Notes? The deadline is coming. YouTube link I did not think so. This was probably quite a job to build, but it’s so nice.

  • Fake Intels on sale

    I already knew that there were fake electronic components of all kinds (don’t ask, but I work in the electronics industry and my own employer has sad stories to tell – but wouldn’t 🙂 ), but I believed that this was limited to small cheap components. I was wrong. The US retailer NewEgg indicated this…

  • Naked body scanners in airports: They don’t work

    The debate rages, for a few weeks now, after the attempted bombing of the Amsterdam-Detroit flight in which a terrorist tried to ignite an explosive device hidden in his underpants. Shouldn’t we install this wonder technology that allows to strip naked search the passengers and to see anything they transport under their clothes? “Long live…

  • Signs that you’re a bad programmer

    Inability to reason about code Poor understanding of the language’s programming model Deficient research skills / Chronically poor knowledge of the platform’s features Inability to comprehend pointers Difficulty seeing through recursion Inability to think in sets Lack of critical thinking Pinball Programming Unfamiliar with the principles of security Code is a mess Inability to determine…

  • Instantly become a computer expert

    Instantly become a computer expert

    If you wonder what all those computer experts do when they assist you, the dirty secret is only a diagram away: You see? No expertise, just a little trick.