Category: Enterprise

  • Manufacturing phones in China

    Manufacturing phones in China

    Phone manufacturing plants are impressively clean and tidy. However, at least in a Foxconn China factory, the workers live in a slightly less pleasant quarters. This is what Joel Johnson, Gizmodo reporter, has been able to show us. All the photos and comments are on Wired.

  • ISS Tour – Welcome To The International Space Station!

    We’re still wondering what this ISS space station is for. We can see it from the ground at night. But, now, we can visit it as comfortably as some of the apartments on sale with Real Estate agents, as if NASA was trying to sell it. YouTube link

  • I want a pool like that

    I want a pool like that

    It should be easy: Move my flat to Singapore, were it was build on top of a 55 level building. Then, I would have a private 150-meter long pool, seemingly set a few inches from the precipice. Source: DailyMail.

  • Advertising is also an art

    Advertising is also an art

  • Inside a 4-stroke piston engine

    You certainly know the basic principles of the operation of a 4-stroke engine with its different phases: piston going down to suck gas and air in piston going up to compress the mixture piston going down pushed by the explosion piston going up to push burnt gas out of the cylinder Let’s admire the actual…

  • If you want 25 answers

    If you want 25 answers

    photo credit: Marco Bellucci So, as suggested, you used Yahoo! Answers to grab the attention of Yahoo! users (and Yahoo! search engine) and of people who have questions to ask. So, you thought that this was the end of it? Of course not. Even if Yahoo! has a great legion of followers (specially in the…