Category: Security

  • X-rays of celebs and stars

    X-rays of celebs and stars

    The stars of show business and other stars are chased all around the world by paparazzis. Sometimes even catch them in X-ray photos. Here are the evidences: Pamela Anderson Homer Simpson Mickey Mouse

  • TSA recent failures

    TSA recent failures

    The TSA (or Transportation Security Administration) is in charge in the US of the organization the safe transportation of people in planes and through airports. Unfortunately, either they have a lot of other responsibilities (which is true) and fail at this one (which is also true), or they utterly incompetent at insuring the security of…

  • IPv6 starts tomorow

    For most of us, IPv6 has been a little more than vaporware. But in order to fight the upcoming lack of Internet addresses (as IPv4 addresses are more easily known), there is this new protocol, IPv6. It is steadily progressing and tomorrow, February 4th, several of the major international routers of the Internet backbone will…

  • Boeing 787 Dreamliner – network vulnerability risk

    Boeing 787 Dreamliner – network vulnerability risk

    everybody told you about it, Boeing is preparing a new medium range jet airplane that will do everything but coffee: It is nice, it is light, it eats 25% less fuel, it is less noisy. But it has two problems: Boeing was forced to announce a dealy for the first deliveries (EADS-Airbus is not the…

  • Tailstrike at take-off for the Airbus A380

    This was a test flight to meet the most extreme take off conditions, not the usual day-to-day routine of the airplane. But, you have to admit that being a test pilot is not always fully safe. Youtube link

  • Top 10 file software (Windows)

    List of the best file-oriented utilities for Windows: Restoration Double-Killer / Easy Duplicate Finder TeraCopy WinMerge Foldershare / SyncToy DriveImage XML (already presented here w few weeks ago) WinDirStat Xplorer² SyncBack TrueCrypt According to LifeHacker.