Category: P2P

  • 101 freeware and shareware programs

    Software programs to do anything you want with your PC if you are a bit more geeky than most but do not want to pay much. Freeware & shareware.

  • Free movie: Rashomon

    Free movie: Rashomon

    Download from Internet Archive Download from Google video Movie information from Today, I want to present a major movie, one of the world best films, a diamond from 1950. Rashômon is one of the most important movies of its time, and it stays as a golden nugget for both its form and its contents.…

  • Free movie: Elephants dream

    Free movie: Elephants dream

    Download from the web or from Bittorrent Movie information from You were told repetitively so: It’s bad to download movies, this is really bad; Each time you donwload a movie a cute little kitten dies. But in reality, there are movies that you can download for free without going ilegal, without risking the ire…

  • Azureus configuration

    In the world of P2P, Bittorrent is clearly the protocol of choice for big file transfers. This is true for videos (pirated or not), for GNU/Linux dsitribution CD-ROMs, for collections of photographic images, etc. Among the Bittorrent-compatible P2P software applications, Azureus is clearly the one that receives the favors of the greatest public. It is…

  • DRM: EMI says No, Warner says Yes

    The music industry is a large ship that moves slowly. But when they saw the arrival of the Internet, most of this industry decided to jump onto technical measures to close and protect the music they produce in order to protect their rights: Hence the Digital Rights Management (DRM). Today, things did not really change,…

  • Download free punk music

    The youngest of our readers may not know what this title is all about, but some of the dinosaurs here won’t need a music encyclopaedia to remember Sex Pistols’ “Never mind the bollocks” (1977) and their alternative music (well before they coined the word in for this context). Today, the punk wave largely left the…