Category: Social issues

  • For your eyes only: Another 2018 calendar!

    For your eyes only: Another 2018 calendar!

    This time, this is a calendar centered around the eyes of wild animals. Click to see all the pages and buy it.A calendar that you will love watching and which will be watching you. A a calendar right for the hidden ophthalmologist in you.

  • Security on

    Security on

    Minor technical information for those of you who are sensitive to their online safety. One of the recommended steps to a better privacy and safety is using web site under the SSL protocol (accessing them with https:// instead of http://). Now, helps you and can be transparently accessed through both addresses:  …

  • Back from Nunavut

    Back from Nunavut

    2016: A cold year where we went to the Arctic North of Canada (in the state of Nunavut, also known as the Inuit country). It was a trip organized by OneOcean Expeditions and that we joined thanks to the help of Polar Cruises: A scientific research vessel from Russia reconverted into an expedition ship, Akademik…

  • Bitcoin: Is it the end?

    Bitcoin: Is it the end?

    The national press (newspapers and TV) regularly come back to Bitcoin, this decentralized currency that some would announce as going to replace all other world currencies. Some also think that the technology solutions included in Bitcoin are the groundwork for all future world finance (Nothing less!) But it may be less nice that that. And…

  • What if ISIS did not disappear?

    This is the rather terrible but also very troubling question asked by Stephen M. Walt on Foreign Policy in a paper titled “What Should We Do if the Islamic State Wins?” The author does no really answer the question he asks but I find it mind-opening to start from his postulate: Daesh is not automatically…

  • All about ISIS

    It is always easy to portray Islamic State as a bloodthirsty monster and… to stop here. This kind of attitude presents two majors drawbacks (to my eyes): As all black-and-white approaches, it does not allow understanding,it does not allow determining where Daesh or ISIS is coming. It’s happy with just condemning, preferably in reference to…

  • Microcredit, my experience

    Microcredit, my experience

    According to the definition, microcredit consists in attributing small sum credits to small enterprises or indidivuals. The principle had been shown to work well by Bengali Muhammad Yunus and the bank he created, the Grameen Bank. For this, they receieved no less than a Nobel Peace Prize. We could think that this is very far…

  • Once more! Ice-Altitude

    Yes! I did it again! Here is a new web site I launched recently. this time, the intent is to share Marion Jonchères’ passion for cold, ice, snow and altitude. Here, you will only find extreme sports, high altitude mountaineering, North Pole or South Pole. But this is based on detailed commentaries and spectacular pictures.…

  • Polar bear hunting – Seen from the prey’s eyes

    Polar bear hunting – Seen from the prey’s eyes

    Filmmaker Gordon Buchanan, while shooting a BBC documentary in Svalbard, Norway, experienced being considered as a prey worth hunting. Despite ending with no killing (the glass cage was strong enough), this must have been a real moment of stress. Some of the photos shot by Gordon are in the article published in the Daily Mail…