Tag: camera
Why nature photography is dangerous…
…for the photo/cinema gear. YouTube link
The DTB saws cameras in half
The Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin is a museum presenting a large mount of technology history. Quite naturally, they are biased toward presenting a lot of German achievements and this country is known for hosting some of the very best optical engineers and being rightfully proud of brands like Carl Zeiss, Leitz/Leica. Charlie Sorrel wrote a piece…
A Shanghai photo experience
As I am writing this article, I am in Shanghai for a profesionnal trip (my company seems to believe that I can improve some things in our manufacturing plant of Pudong, in the suburbs of this big Chinese city). As an amateur photographer, I took some time for myself to look at some photo opportunities…
Full Frame SLR camera at Samsung
OK! If it was not enough to expect a couple of major announcements from Canon and Sony for the tough market of high-end digital cameras, there is another competitor appearing in the image. According to Amateur Photographer, Samsung is preparing a Full Frame D-SLR camera to compete with Canon EOS 5D (or future 5D Mk…
Upgrade your Canon camera to OpenSource nirvana
If you have a simple Point-n-Shoot digital camera, you may not know it, but you are limited more by the marketing teams than by the real technical constraints of your hardware. But if your camera is from Canon you may find an easy way out. The Canon Hacker’s Development Kit is an open-source software project…
Flash memory comparison
If you want the best possible Flash memory storage for your camera, you need to look for a good Flash memory card. But which one is the best? Just look at those tests: Rob Galbraith’s CF/SD Performance Database (in English) Clubic : 40 cartes mémoire en test : la loi du plus cher ? (en…