Category: Use your D-SLR

  • Flash memory comparison

    If you want the best possible Flash memory storage for your camera, you need to look for a good Flash memory card. But which one is the best? Just look at those tests: Rob Galbraith’s CF/SD Performance Database (in English) Clubic : 40 cartes mémoire en test : la loi du plus cher ? (en…

  • Advice for good panoramic photos

    In order to easily realize good panoramic photos, it is not enuogh to have a good software package. You also need good images to start with, or the shooting results may degrade significantly the results. Some easy-to-follow advice: Start using the Auto exposure mode of your camera, then switch to Manual to shoot in these…

  • HDR photography, a few links

    HDR photography, a few links

    HDR photography (High Dynamic Range Photo) is a process where you take several photo pictures with very different exposures (different speeds or different apertures) and then use a software to pack them into one image packing the whole range of light. The result is often a little erie but allows to take images impossible to…

  • Time-lapse sequences: How-to and a 20000-image example

    Time-lapse sequences: How-to and a 20000-image example

    If like me your a photographer who wouldn’t dare making a video, you still can think about doing a decent time-lapse sequence out of your photographs. However, this cannot happen just by taking images and loading them into a software. You must start by studying the lessons from’s Ultimate Guide to Time-Lapse Photography. When…

  • Improve your photos, without effort and without Photoshop

    … the day dream of all photographers. Instead of spending your nights playing with the setups, knobs and buttons of Photoshop (are any other similar software package), why not simply go through a process full automated, effortless, questionless, and with a nice little result? To be tested right now.

  • Poor man’s camera accessories

    Poor man’s camera accessories

    I recently stumbled upon several good ideas for the photographer (and cinematographer) with a limited budget. They seem quite simple and interesting to apply. Ring Flash for a penny For macro-photography and proxi-photography, a flash is often needed. But it is difficult to obtain a nice light not simply coming from the side (and casting…