Category: Music

  • 5$ a month legal P2P in Canada and USA

    Nothing is for sure, but Wired has an article about this issue: paying a monthly fee to have fully legal access to unlimited music download on P2P. Wired seems to believe that it would be a piracy levy on ISPs, but I think it would be a real license paid on a monthly basis.

  • Sony joins the DRM-free crowd

    It was about time! I had previously wrote here that Sony was now the last major music company not having announced any plan to offer its music catalog in MP3 format without DRM (without digital rights protection). This is about to change. Sony, like the other disc producers/distributors, finally figured it out: Consumers are actually…

  • Warner is third to remove DRM with Amazon

    We learned this week that Warner Music and AMazon are going to gang in in order to sell DRM-free MP3 files. This is the third music major to stop and listen to its customers who did not want to suffer the indignity and incovenience of this kind of digital rights protection. EMI and Universal had…

  • Western Digital: audio/video police included

    Western Digital: audio/video police included

    What could be the use of network hard disk drive of one Tera-Byte which would strictly refuse to serve files because there may be a risk of breaching licensing agreement potentially applicable to them? This is the question that potential buyers should ask before purchasing the Western Digital disc drives using WD Anywhere Access: WD…

  • No more music DRM

    After EMI which decided to start pushing its music catalog in DRM-free MP3 format, others seem to be ready to go the way consumers wanted to. It is said that Warner and Sony are prepared to step back in front of the strong reaction coming from both the consumers and the distribution channel (most recently,…

  • Eleanor Rigby

    YouTube link