Category: Science & Geeks

  • Cast picture slideshows to Chromecast

    Cast picture slideshows to Chromecast

    A Chromecast is a really funny little tool that will ease the connection of a basic TV set to a computer or your smartphone. But Google really limited the possibilities – explicitly because they wanted to keep users inside the Google biosphere. So, I wanted to use my old Chromecast 2013 (but the issue and…

  • Everest: Death from high-altitude hypoxia

    Everest: Death from high-altitude hypoxia

    These last days, there was a lot of talk about traffic ajms obsevred on the road to Mount Everest summit. They were the cause of several dramatic accidents in 2019, like in the previous years. Most people would not imagine how challenging survival is at high-altitude, without even counting on the huge physical exhaustion from…

  • More technical news about our web site hack

    More technical news about our web site hack

    After a more thorough analysis, I believe that I have now a clear image of what happened to . It appears that a hacker introduced itself into our web site through an insecure WordPress plugin. The security defect has been corrected relatively quickly, but it left a wide open gap during a few days. The…

  • How to solve an HTTP error 500?

    How to solve an HTTP error 500?

    This appears to be one of the most imprecise errors a web server can through at you. More or less, it means “I tried but I can’t serve and I can’t help with more precise information”. People and forums tend to say that this may be related to database issues or .htaccess issues. But not…

  • Hacked web site

    Hacked web site

    So, it had to happen one day. has been hacked. Nothing very terrible, but a few bad hours for an administrator. The site to be rebuilt in a matter of hours. Passwords to be changed. Several hours lost for nothing. There wasn’t much to steal (the users are not very many). But it is impossible…

  • Archive a Synology NAS on external USB drives

    Archive a Synology NAS on external USB drives

    When you need to store data in a reliable way but you don’t need to read them often, this is named a “cold storage” need. This is typically what I needed for my Synology NAS where I wanted to backup data to an external site (but I don’t intend to actually use the backup since…