Category: HTML and CSS

  • Firefox: more than Internet Explorer

    Firefox: more than Internet Explorer

    I am not sure that this is exact all over the Internet, but I just noticed that this is true for YLovePhoto, one of my web sites: There are more visitors using Firefox than Internet Explorer. Then, I checked for itself, and I noticed the same situation: It appears that Firefox is moving very…

  • Safari 4, fast new browser

    Safari 4, fast new browser

    Apple is not only delivering sleek computer designs and nice little mobile phones. They are also producing a good web browser: Safari. It’s new version, Safari 4, is just out. Faster, still as good and powerful, but Apple is now claiming the crown for the “fastest” web browser. It could well be possible when Snow…

  • Opera 10: beta-test browser

    I’ve been using and recommending the Opera web browser for many years. It’s a kind of a Firefox where everything you need would be directly included rather than having to download extensions. And it’s fast too. For mobile applications (PDAs, mobile phones, etc.) Opera Mini is probably the best possible option and it is in…

  • Computer skills

    From GraphJam.

  • Ideas for a better web site

    If you want to build a web site, or a better web site, I am starting a series of short small ideas about how to improve a web site or a blog with small tasks. One idea, one improvement per week. This is in the “easy idea” category of my other web site: Y Want…

  • PHP changes

    This is what I told myself when uncovering a little PHP code fragment that stopped working on one of my web sites. So, this is a reminder for those of you inattentive programmers like me: $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’]; is deprecated and works no longer. You must now use the newest form: $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’];. Be…