Category: Windows Vista

  • Faster downloads on Windows 7

    Windows 7 is not even here, but there are already people complaining about its download speed when using Torrent P2P software. It has the same limitation on half-open connections as Windows XP. So, there are people who already found the solution: Half-Open Limit Fix is a small, portable utility that is compatible with Win7 and…

  • Firefox: more than Internet Explorer

    Firefox: more than Internet Explorer

    I am not sure that this is exact all over the Internet, but I just noticed that this is true for YLovePhoto, one of my web sites: There are more visitors using Firefox than Internet Explorer. Then, I checked for itself, and I noticed the same situation: It appears that Firefox is moving very…

  • UltraSurf: Internet privacy for the masses

    Just a short notice. I discovered a very simple and relatively powerful Internet privacy solution, Ultrasurf, for those of us who may be interested in browsing the Internet in near complete anonymity: hide IP addresses and locations, clean browsing history, cookies & more … It may be the future of Internet privacy.

  • What is the best SSD drive today?

    What is the best SSD drive today?

    SSD drives are those disk drives that are not using rotating platters with data stored magnetically, but that are based upon a set Flash memory components (so, without any mobile part, and with a performance that has nothing to do with even the fastest magnetic hard disk drives). SSD drives are expensive but, with costs…

  • Fast copy for Windows

    Fast copy for Windows

    photo credit: Ivan Zuber If you have Windows installed on your PC, you may have noticed one surprising thing: File copying is amazingly slower than what it was in previous editions of Windows or on other kinds of computers. The exact reason is a bit unclear (some say that it is linked to some Digital…

  • Planetary pictures and wallpapers

    Planetary pictures and wallpapers

    I consider that the most useful and often the most interesting wallpapers for your computer desktop are images that are relatively feature-less. A picture full of little details continuously grabbing your attention is a major nuisance. It’s much better to have either a very smooth image or a photo containing a lot of continuous tones.…